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Argumentative Reflection


            My process for creating this paper was to first outline all of the main points I wanted to address in the paper, such as my main argument, the sources I was going to cite, how I was going to use them, and how I wanted to end the paper. I set everything up in an organized outline before I started writing. Once I had an understandable outline, I began writing the first draft paragraph by paragraph, fleshing it out as I went. I then took the Fellows revisions and the feedback from my friends and began revising my paper into the completed form it is in now. I would say the paper strongly presents my specific claim with good evidence that supports both the positives and negatives of my argument, reinforcing my claims while not dismissing the counter argument. I would, however, say that my paper is weak in regards to its sentence structure. I’m still not the best at having a variety of sentences, especially when it comes to summarizing studies. Bushman says this… He means that… Bushman claims that… I find it hard to add variety to a summary when you’re just recounting information.

My intended audience is the general public. I want this to be read by anyone curious about the effects of violent video games on children but I also want parents to read the argument because I direct my solution at them. I reach out to them by not having a tone that is directed at a single audience. I use generic language that anyone can understand, and while I address complicated issues, they are explained thoroughly as to not leave anyone out. I found inspiration in a Times piece that talked about the effects of video games on children. I found this article rather early in the term and it got my thinking on what I wanted to write my paper on.

I learned in order to create an effective argument, you must address everything thoroughly. You cannot leave anything with a hole in it, as the hole will leak the validity of your argument, so to speak. If anything is left unattended, then it will discredit you as a writer, and people may not be as willing to hear what you have to say. I also learned that more facts is always good. Backing up your claims and statements with statistics adds credibility, and after having read several arguments that aren’t entirely credible, I know that credibility is the most important part of an argument, for without it, there is no reason to write anything, as no one will find any value in your writing.

In the future, I would start writing earlier and get more feedback, as well as find more sources. I find that time was my greatest enemy in writing this paper. There was a lot I wanted to do with it that I was unable to do because of work in other classes that I did not anticipate. I would definitely stick with outlining, as I can’t stress enough the importance of it, and I would also insert myself into the argument, as I like to give my own opinions and perspectives on an issue.



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