DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.



Rooted in Vincentian traditions of human dignity and social responsibility, DePaul University School for New Learning (SNL) provides highly personalized opportunities and emphasizes the integrity, individuality, and responsibility of each student to develop competency as critically engaged citizens and put learning to ever-new use.


Program Outcomes


SNL program outcomes are positioned to implement and assess quality educational experiences for student learning.  This section provides comprehensive assessment of current student accomplishments.  You can find exciting infographics and reports for Advanced Project, Graduate and Undergraduate annual assessments , and more on this page and in the Archived Reports.  




SNL strives to provide effective resources, convenience, and teaching excellence to enrich self-directed learning experiences, while modeling learning as a way of life.  This section provides assessment of year-end student satisfaction, teaching evaluations, and work life.  You can find useful infographics and reports for Summit Seminar, Veteran Student Experiences, Graduate Student Advising Survey Results, Course Evaluations and more on this page.  


Prior Learning Assessment


Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs) enables students to earn credit through compiled portfolios documenting prior learning experiences.  This section provides assessment of current student submissions to ascertain if they meet competency requirements.  You can find informative infographics and reports for Independent Learning Pursuits, Proficiency Exams, Transfer Coursework and more on this page.         


Archived Reports


SNL’s Teaching, Learning, & Assessment (TLA) committee is committed to consistently evaluating program outcomes, course development and improvement, and prior learning assessment.  This section provides detailed historical assessment reports.  You can find engaging infographics and extensive reports for Annual Assessments, Course Evaluations, and more on this page.  



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.