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Welcome, fellow writers and (of course) fellow nerds, to my tutoring journey! I am excited that you are joining me on this venture. It is within this portfolio where you will find reflections on my experience as a peer writing tutor at DePaul’s University Center for Writing-based Learning.  As you click through each section, you will see trials and tribulations, moments of insecurity, challenges, triumphs, discoveries, and ultimately, growth.  My experiences at the UCWbL have provided me with the opportunity to learn and hone down on my own writing skills and capabilities.  I have always loved writing and I love talking to people about writing.  It's my form of expressing myself because I can't sketch, paint, dance, sing...to be honest I lack any form of artistic ability at all.  BUT I do consider myself a writer and that's why this ePortfolio is...a thing.  I hope you enjoy it, friend, and I hope you can find some form of writing guidance through this portfolio.  I hope you can learn and I hope you will also consider yourself a writer by the end, because to be perfectly honest, anyone can do it.  Let’s explore, shall we? 

Love always,


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