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I never read the New York Times before and I never knew anyone who did so I wasn’t so sure what to expect from it. My dad always reads the Chicago Sun Times so I just thought it would be any regular old newspaper. After reading though, it seemed as it was more of a paper for the world, because although it is called the New York Times it has global news. I enjoyed reading about what was going on in the world, even though it was bad sometimes but in a way I think it is good because it doesn’t make one seem hopeless. People can see that they’re not the only one in the world with problems.

            Overall I did enjoy it. I probably wouldn’t continue reading though because I am not much of a newspaper reader kind of person, I mostly just go for the crossword or Sudoku puzzles. I would have to say my favorite part to read was the week in review section because it gets down to the point on all the main stories that happened that week and for some reason, to me they seemed like the most interesting.

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