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Greetings and Welcome, All,


As an Associate Director of the DePaul University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL) I was program director for the Writing Center and directed the UCWbL's Outreach and Community Relations initiatives up until my retirement from DePaul on August 12, 2016.   


 I was steeped in writing and writing center work for many years, and this portfolio provides a glimpse of some of that work.  As I remain a committed and active advocate for writers and for writing centers, I will continue to use and to revise this portfolio, so expect changes in future! 

 [with my cherished UCWbL co-directors Matthew Pearson, Lauri Dietz, and Katie Brown]


I taught many courses offered by the Department of English and then the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse at DePaul: technical and professional writing, first-year comp and rhet, lit courses, and advanced writing.  For the UCWbL I taught WRD 395, Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy.  My research interests include writing center histories, workplace writing and technologies, writing and writing center studies, questions of identity and difference in writing center contexts, as well as topics in labor history and in literary studies too numerous to mention.


The DePaul University Writing Center and the UCWbL experienced tremendous growth from 1980 to 2016, but most dramatically after 2006. I hope to capture that more fully in future editions of this portfolio. For now it remains a work in progress, but it also will remain an important part of my writing life.  If you have any questions or comments, you may, as always, contact me at ecoughli@depaul.edu.


Liz Coughlin,


Some of my UCWbL colleages over the years:




Elizabeth Coughlin

Now Retired Associate Director and Writing Center Program Director,

Director for Outreach, University Center for Writing-based Learning

DePaul University




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