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          source: commons.wikimedia.org 

 Throughout its history, Bronzeville has faced a multitude of struggles around housing issues, social justice, community empowerment, community organizing, education, racism, discrimination, and political repression, among many other issues. Some of the still-standing historical structures, or sites, hold the stories of community struggles within its walls. The sites that have now vanished from view are still embedded in the collective Bronzeville consciousness. These sites are waiting to tell their story and to share their history with the world.  Read on and explore the following links to learn about Bronzeville’s historical struggles and to experience some of the narratives that these historical sites hold within them. 


To better understand the Bronzeville Community its context in history cannot be ignored. From the creation of the Black Metropolis throughout its on-going development it must be examined from the individual, community, city, and societal levels. These levels do not only operate individually though, so their intersectionality must also be considered. 




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