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My hands intertwine with yours as if they were meant to be together


Sometimes I wonder how I got the chance to prove to you that you are more than I deserve

And you think the same but we both need to figure out for ourselves

How we were meant to be together

Because when souls that are meant for each other find each other the world stops

And its bigger than the ice age bigger than the holocaust

Because what’s existence without love

I’ll tell you

It’s hell

It’s n othing

It’s a black hole that grows infinetly deeper

Because it can

But if we just fight this dark deep meaninglessness together

We can find beauty that only the elite can experience

Not the rich or famous or beautiful or intelligent

But those that deserve to find themselves in another

When I see you drive by I want to freeze time until you can see me as well

Just pay attention baby the rest will follow

And I know you think I’m perfect

And I think you’re infantile

Because of your blank stare when you’re angry and your blushing cheeks

What do you think of me?

That I’m heavenly

That I can’t do wrong even when evil scares the shit out of me by inviting me in

The question is

Will you invite me in?

Will I invite you in?





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