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Poem 11/18/18

Love II

Love is the rose from off the bush

Love is when your brain turns to mush


Love is the alarm that goes off too late

Love is when he writes the cards for your debate


Love is him showing how to use the printer

Love is knowing you’re a loser when you are a winner


Love is when he doesn’t have a clue

Which is the better thing to do

And suddenly the earthquake makes him move

When it came from California is what he has to prove

And when the music turns on, he gets in groove


Love is when they laugh at me

And my words typed into the computer

And the guy next to me named Steve

Is less of a mystery and more of a prover


He said

I saw the half moon like that that night

For the first time and that **** was tight


And fall into his bed overnight

I might

But only in his dreams

After a fight

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