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The Afterlife unedited- stream of consciousness

The afterlife is something that everyone thinks that they know the truth about.  But how would you know if you never had experienced it?  Is it possible that all we know about the afterlife has come from past experience?  What if all we know about it comes from past lives?  How else could one know?  I recently began to think a lot about the afterlife.  What happens when you die?  Is heaven the afterlife or is it heaven and then the afterlife?  I would think heaven then the afterlife so that everyone has their fair opportunity to prove themselves.  What if a guy met a girl and the guy died and then the guy came back as her guardian angel and then she died normally, and then she died?  What would happen if they both came back to life later and then she died?  Would she be his guardian angel?  Is that the only way it could work out?  What if the whole point of life and then heaven was so that you could figure out you would be safe with in the afterlife?  What if there was a leak, and then someone that shouldn’t have been in the afterlife with you is?  Would everything need to start over again?  I mean everything?  What if there are multiple afterlives?  What if one life’s Jesus was another’s the devil? 

What happens when someone dies that shouldn’t have?  Do they go to hell?  Are there different components of hell, different departments?  Can someone go to hell who has a soul?  What if someone goes to hell to make sure that someone doesn’t get into heaven?  Can good people go to heaven?  What if God sends someone without a soul to heaven, just to prove a point?  What if someone goes to hell just to be able to see their true love later? 

Who makes the rules?  Does God say anything goes in heaven?  Who is the boss in hell?  People say that the devil is God’s right-hand man- that he is the one who helps God make decisions as to who should be able to go to heaven, and who should go to hell.  What if someone dies and comes back as someone’s guardian angel- or a guardian angel?  What happens when this person would want to come and visit the person he is guarding?  Where would this happen- on a walk to school- on the train?  On the bus?  I wonder- would there be rules as to what he or she can do?  Would they be able to talk to the guarded?  One of my favorite movies, Constantine, references the idea that the relationship between God and the devil is that it is a waging bet.  I can’t remember if this was from the movie, but I have also remembered the idea that angels and people can hell can only do so much to help those they guard- so that the idea of free will isn’t interfered with. 

What would happen if someone went wrong?  What if someone who was disabled in some way came back as a normal person- so that in the next life the person would be able to feel, sense, and think more than is normal?  Would all hell break loose?  What would happen if someone went through hell to find out the workings of heaven and hell?  What if Jesus saved a person in his/her next life?  Or one of them?  What if a boy came back as a girl?  What if someone who fought in the Civil War on the side of the north came back as the mayor of Mississippi?  What if there were events that happened so that hell is flawed and there needed to be a second hell?  What if heaven was taken away and only two people on earth had the opportunity to share the components of the new heaven were arch enemies?

And the list of questions goes on….


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.