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What Breaks My Heart

When the weatherman says it will rain but it doesn’t

When it rains when he said it wouldn’t

When the thing in the back of my head doesn’t know what to say

When I can’t say that I feel some type of way

When my shirt doesn’t match my jacket

When the power behind the refrigerator is too weak for a magnet

When I want to write a poem with the scheme of a song

When it looks right that I did the right thing wrong

When I give into everything that the kids say

When all my stuffed animals invade my dreams and don’t know where to lay


How he stares at the ground when he walks

How his voice used to get deeper when he talked

How he walked up to me and said that he used to love me

How he really wanted to say he used to think we were meant to be

How he really thought I would just say okay

How he doesn’t know he makes me feel that type of way

Because he thinks everything is all his fault

How he would have kept on walking if I had not showed how to hault

But at the same time, I used to love him too

But maybe it was because we just didn’t have anything to do

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