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Critical Journal for Class of 7/7/15

            Today in class we watched a movie about the educational system in the United States, where it was portrayed that places with less money have fewer and worse resources than those of places with more money.  I think this shows one place, or one perspective of our country, and a need of conflict resolution where things don’t balance out, and things need to improve, and need attention, through examples such as the reality that all students take the same standardized test to receive funding, but the manner in which the students are educated to take these tests is based on the amount of money they receive.  I could definitely see a difference in the reality of the times of the movie, and how things are in the education systems now, though. I went to a public school in the city, a very diverse school, one that many students commuted to from very urban places, and although it was a public school, it was well funded, with lots of after school activities to attend to.  There was an ROTC program, very devoted teachers, counselors and staff, and even though it wasn’t a private school with a majority of white students, it was a good school that prepared me well for my future.  When watching the movie I thought to myself how much has changed in such few years, although the thought that geography had a lot to do with the trap door of funding also crossed my mind, like maybe taxes in other cities are distributed differently than they are in Chicago, towards education.  I think that education is one of the most important issues out there, towards solving whatever conflicts may arise in the future, because kids are the future, and if children can be well-supported, then the future will be a good one.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.