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My Tagger

When I was in high school I knew a boy that reminded me of my Dad

Because he loved me unconditionally

I used to sit next to him by the lockers near the front entrance of school

In front of a window that showed the outside world that didn’t seem real during school hours

But did after school

We sat in silence as we watched the world go by

He was a few inches taller than me

and that day he wore a grey sweatshirt over a white collared shirt

As did many guys in school

We stayed after school together sometimes

While the lacrosse players would have practice over fake grass and under a cloudy sky

Sometimes he would draw on my pants, out of boredom

He would sign his initials by the ankle of my jeans, a smiley face on the knee

His face would flush with jealousy as the lacrosse players stampeded the front hall

On their way from the field to the locker room

When he talked he talked with a passion that I could only find in a man

When he walked he walked with a stride that demonstrated confidence and irresolution all at once

His hands were always shoved in his pockets, his eyes always on the ground

But that day he sat next to me on the maroon carpet

Wearing white and orange Nikes with the shoelaces untied

He was my tagger

The guy that changed my perception of how fun after school hours could be

The guy that taught me how to sketch in the third dimension

And to love in the fourth


*This is a poem about a boy I knew in high school.  We used to spend time together after school and hang out in the halls.


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