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Dunkini Donuts XVIII

7/26/20 Free Write

Hi, my name is Josephina, and I am an angel.  One of our proteges is a big fan of Gabriel and all he has done for everyone in heaven.  I enjoy being (can angels be?) in heaven, but things have gone down the drain, a bit, lately.  We are all kind of going through a phase, kind of like that which happens on earth to teenagers, or even elderly people or twenty something’s, if you want t look at it that way.  I guess we have kind of gotten sick of the way things initially were, you know, ever since the initial transformation when Jesus changed things up when he was resurrected.  It all kind of stemmed when someone wrote  an angel letter and left it in the angel mailbox, stating that when Jesus came back down (something not in your average religion textbook), he was all man- a guy with scraggly hair who was easily intimidated by the new swing of things. 

I was on the bus today, checking things out, just standing post to see what to report when I got past the gates again.  Everything was fine until a poor person walked by me and the other bus riders, while wearing a large blanket.  The guy looked homeless, like there could have been bedbugs, ticks and whatnot on the blanket, and he absentmindedly and uncaringly just walked through the aisle, as the blanket over his shoulders gently breezed by and meshed with my bag and the girl in front of me’s arm.  I was especially angry (not just because I was in trouble with bed bugs, but because the person was so inconsiderate), until I realized that it was a person sent from the second level of hell.  How do I know this without someone telling me, you ask?  I’ll tell you.  We angels are always on the lookout for signs about the big change that is destined to happen- whether that be the next coming of Jesus, or the coming of someone lesser, but still sacred in their own context.

One of the big things the angels are looking out for is a hint as to what happened when Jesus died.  When He died, there were two people crucified on the cross, one to the left, one to the right.  What most humans don’t know is that Jesus didn’t just die because Judas betrayed him.  The deal between heaven and hell was that as soon as he died, the secret of Armageddon would be revealed.  Instead of it going to Jesus, it is thought to have gone to either the left or right person by Jesus, as he hung on the cross.  The tricky part, as to figuring out this mystery, is where did the secret go to?  It is still very much up in the air, but it is thought that it initially went to one person, and then it was switched to the other, and no one knows how that worked out.  We were almost sure that it initially went from the person to the right who switched it to the left, but recently, an angel had received word that there was someone crucified directly behind Jesus, so that to confuse things even more.  The secret came out when a three year old who we were all listening to at night had a dream where she showed that the person was hung directly behind Jesus, and that only Jesus could see him, so to say, that there was a Jesus to be there in the misery of the original Jesus.

So, when I got back, I told them everything I saw- the dude with a hippie blanket strutting his stuff down the aisle without a care in the world.  He didn’t care because the second level of hell doesn’t have the consequences of the first, or heaven.  It’s kind of a free-for-all, do what you want, and you still won’t get kicked out.  Your judgement has already happened, and the only way to get bumped up is to prove yourself worthy.  Sometimes those in heaven can be made into angels, and angels kind find their self-worth by finding God, on Earth- by helping people, by hiding themselves, by recruiting people to be angels, those that were at their level at one point in the angels’ being.  I don’t see a point in thinking one level is better than the other.  I think that I am very happy, sitting at the AA round table, hashing out our intentions and experiences that we find when we come down to earth.  The last time I saw Gabriel he said that he had found a new recruit, and she is very promising, so we are looking into it.

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