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To copy implies that you lack originality

Can someone copy your soul?

To copy the thoughts in the back of someone’s head means that you may be shown

The ability to think in the future

I often think that others’ originality belongs to me

While the sun sets outside of my window

A blank canvas gives right to credibility

When you don’t know how to blend the truth with the original

My past says it is up to me to get past that stage


The stars behind the clouds beg to be seen

Because they live off compliments

Of the astronomers that are the only ones to predict

What they will be in the future

What if the clouds leave so that only rain remains?

My clouds do not get along with her stars

My paths are directed towards heaven while hers towards the unknown

That comes with the fear that comes from solitude


The worst thing one can do is not trust in God

It is against the laws of morality

So, what do I do when I am alone but with God?

What is the goal?

What is left in between the lines?

My fears come from the unknown

That only comes from those that I trust

The raindrops meet the mist with tranquility

Because we already knew each other

From a dream

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.