DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

This is my, David Jurczak's, final portfolio.


Any comments in indigo are directed to the entire essay up until the comment.

Any comments in green are directed to the paragraph above the comment.


Any comments in orange are directed towards the entire essay.

Any comments in yellow refer to one or more other essays/responses.

Any comments in violet make a connection to a previous draft.

Any comments in red refer to ways that I could have done something better.

Any comments in blue not only refer to the essay as a whole, but to some other aspect of literature, writing, or rhetoric in general.

Any writing in brown refers to a learning outcome/course goal.

Any writing in pink has been added to the Final Draft/Reflection.


Any writing that has a strikethrough has been deleted from the Final Draft/Reflection.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.